What Is The Average Range Of A Young Person’s Hearing?

So, one question that a lot of people are unsure of is what the average range of a young person’s hearing is. In this article we will cover what the standard human hearing range is, and we will explore if there are any ways that you can improve your hearing.

Yeah, a classic super power that we have all thought about is that of super-human hearing – unfortunately this is not a guide to super-human hearing, but we can try and come close! 

The Normal Hearing Range

Due to the impact of frequent exposure to loud noise over time, the younger we are then the better we hear. The ‘normal’ hearing frequency range of a healthy young person is about 20 to 20,000Hz. 

What does this mean? Well, measured in hertz (Hz), a healthy ear can hear a wide range of frequencies from very low (20 Hz) to very high (20,000 Hz). As we age, so do our inner ears and because of this, as we age there are some sounds that we cannot hear.

Though a normal audible range for loudness is from 0 to 180dB, anything over 85dB is considered damaging so we should really try not to go there.

As we get older, it is the upper frequencies that we lose first – so by the time we reach middle-age, we can expect to hear up to around 14,000 Hz.

Presbycusis, or age-related hearing loss naturally develops as we age and our hearing can begin to deteriorate as a result of external factors, including the environment and existing medical conditions.

What Is The Difference Between Hertz And Decibels?

The number of sound vibrations emitted per second is known as the frequency which is measured in hertz. The lower or higher the frequency, the lower or higher the pitch of the sound. The other consideration is loudness which is measured in decibels.

How Does Noise Travel To Your Ears?

So, both humans and animals hear by picking up on vibrations caused by sound waves in the air – or in some cases, the ground and water. In the most basic terms, we ‘catch’ these vibrations in our middle-ear where they are transferred into pressure waves.

These waves are then passed through fluid into our inner-ear, or cochlea where they are transplanted into signals that our brains can interpret. 

What Are The Frequencies Humans Can Hear?

So, sounds with frequencies above the realms of human ears are called ultrasound and those with frequencies below the realms of human ears are called infrasound. As humans, we are capable of distinguishing between approximately 1400 pitches. Most of the important speech related sounds that we rely on fall within a narrow and relatively low spectrum.

Where Do Noises Sit On The Human Hearing Spectrum?

We have another question for you: have you ever heard the hum of an alternating electrical current at night? Well, if you have then that is in the realm of 50 to 60Hz which is not too far from the bottom of the human hearing range. 

What might you find at the upper end of the human hearing range? Think dog whistles. To us, they sound like a quiet hissing sound but to our canine friends it is their equivalent of an air raid siren. 

So, where do common everyday noises sit on the decibel scale? Well, normal conversation is roughly 60dB, whereas fireworks come in at 130dB. 

Are There Ways That You Can Improve Your Hearing? 

So, hearing loss can of course be triggered by genetic and also environmental factors, but we actually have more potential to improve our hearing and also reduce the risk of hearing loss. 

Most problems with hearing begin when the hair cells located in the cochlea, or inner ear, don’t work well or stop functioning and die. Improving blood supply to the inner ear and tamping down inflammation within the body are among the strategies that may help keep your hearing sharp.

Some ways that you can improve your hearing and/or reduce your risk of hearing loss are straightforward remedies that you may already incorporate into your lifestyle. 

However, it is important to note that if you are concerned about your hearing then you should book an appointment with your doctor, or take a hearing test. This is something you should get checked out right away and not delay this. You do not want to put off getting your hearing checked and wait until the problem worsens.

So, it is known that certain nutrients promote blood flow and help fight inflammation throughout the body, including the ears. To make sure that you have adequate levels of nutrients then you should consider taking targeted supplements to protect your hearing. One thing we must be clear about is that taking targeted supplements will not prevent hearing loss, but they can help work to slow the process down, and also protect you against any hearing damage from loud noises.

Another at-home remedy that is a lot easier said than done, but can significantly reduce the risk of you suffering from hearing loss is to chill out. Yeah, like we said this usually tends to be a lot easier said than done. But, scientific research has shown that actually, brain chemicals respond to stress by triggering inflammation in the brain and the inner ear. Inflammation not only exacerbates hearing loss, but it can also trigger other hearing-related problems. To help manage your stress levels, you should set aside time each day for any activity that helps you to alleviate tension.

So, on the whole, the average range of a young person’s hearing should be pretty consistent throughout their lives, but of course, we have listed some suggestions for how to ensure that your hearing is the best it can be. We have also advised you on some ways that you can reduce the risk of hearing loss. There is no remedy to hearing loss, as a lot of it is down to environmental or genetic factors – but as we have suggested, there are ways that you can improve your hearing and reduce your risk of suffering from hearing loss.